- ESR: "We Don't Need the GPL Anymore"
- Bruce Perens: Look at it this way: We don't need ESR any more :-)

Le thread sur lwn est, comme souvent, assez intéressant. Extrait :

Eric has always, from the first days of Opensource.org, acted to deprecate RMS and things that RMS does as "scary to business people". I never felt the RMS-bashing was appropriate, and I suspect that he over-estimates how scary RMS and the GPL are and under-estimates the deterrent effect on developers when commercial entities take their work private.

And sometimes he does RMS-bashing for no reason I can understand. He did a paper a while back purporting to prove that many more people said "Open Source" than "Free Software". It seemed to me to be picking a fight with no productive purpose.

Regarding the GPL, Theo and Company have a fine kernel but get much less involvement than Linux, even in embedded systems. The only reasons I see for this are developer personalities and the GPL. So, I am not willing to buy Eric's thesis yet.

Bruce Perens - "Why Eric is doing this"